Thursday, November 27, 2008

Four Cheat Predictors for Men

Cheat Predictor #1

·  Was he spoiled as a kid?

·  Do his parents tend to baby him and help him out of financial jams?

·  Has he ever bragged about cheating on an exam or paying someone to write a paper for him in college?

If your man seems to have sailed through life without ever hitting the rough waters that rock the rest of us, beware. Privileged chaps tend to suffer from a sense of entitlement (read: bratty-boy syndrome), so he may believe that the rules don't apply to him. He's so used to getting what he wants, why should he stop now?

"He might cheat because he thinks he deserves to fulfill all of his needs, no matter who he might hurt,"

Dating Factor: His Career

Cheat Predictor #2

·  Does he work mostly with women?

·  Is he always logging in late hours, whether it be at the office, at dinner with clients or on business trips?

·  Does he make a lot of money?

It's great to date a guy with ambition -- and his deep pockets definitely don't hurt when he brings you pricey baubles -- but the office environment can open the door to private meetings of the carnal kind. According to Glass, studies show that when men cheat, it's most often with a work colleague. "Not only are people with similar interests side by side on a daily basis, but the time they spend together is usually when they're most energetic and look their best."

Unfortunately, the bigger his wallet, the more likely your busy bee is to cozy up with an office buddy.

Dating Factor: His Schmooze MO

Cheat Predictor #3

·  Can he talk his way out of anything (parking tickets, rolling into work late)?

·  Does he make an effort to charm everyone -- your coworkers, your older sister, a saleswoman?

·  When you go to parties, does he insist on making the rounds?

Your friends and family love him, and he always manages to keep you entertained. How could you not adore him? Well, sometimes a smooth operator's need for the spotlight can't be satisfied by one woman's ego-stroking. And if he's suave with the ladies, opportunities undoubtedly arise. "Charmers meet a lot of women and win them over easily," says Aumiller. "So even if his intentions aren't more than friendship, they might be willing to move beyond friendship, and that's hard to resist."

Dating Factor: His Friends

Cheat Predictor #4

·  Does he usually hang out with a crew of mostly single guys?

·  Do his friends encourage him to join them in just-for-men activities?

·  Do his pals have problems staying in relationships?

The nightclubs, the bachelor parties, the dudes-only deeds we're better off not knowing the details of -- it's enough to make any woman worry just a wee bit. Although boys-will-be-boys, bonding time helps a committed man feel less, well, trapped, the appeals of bachelorhood may make him long to be a free agent. A recent study of 37,000 men and women showed that when guys see those around them splitting from their significant others, it tends to encourage them to do the same.


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